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General history

"Europe" is named after "Europa", a princess in Greek Mythology. Zeus kidnapped Europa and took her to Crete, where she became the mother of king Minos: This is the origin of Europe's first civilization, the Minoans. "Europa" was later used to describe Greece, and slowly and gradually this term encompassed all of the areas West of the Ural mountains.

Language: Latin as the Lingua franca in Western Europe, Greek in Eastern Europe.

Secondary Language: French in Western Europe, German in Central and Eastern Europe.

Religion: Mainly Christianity in Europe

Secondary Religions: Islam

Ancient era

Medieval era

Modern era

GLOSSARY: Village, cathedral, europe, crusade, plague, Lord, fief/land, Knight, Peasant, sculpture, painting, artist, art, writer, printing, science, philosophy, literature/book, caliphate, siege



The Denarius was the (bronze?) coin inherited from the Roman Empire. The Solidus was gold.


The Feudal system permeated all of Europe. The King would be at the top of the social pyramid. The King gave land to the Lords in exchange for loyalty, and the Lords gave fiefs to Knights. Peasants were not part of the system because they did not give or receive land. They worked on a Lord's manor in exchange for protection.

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