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German history

In 962-1806, this land was known as the "Holy Roman Empire". Or in Latin, "Sacrum Imperium Romanum". In modern German, "Heiliges Römisches Reich".

Ruler: Emperor.

Language: German.

Secondary Language: Latin. (in administration, liturgy, and ceremonies)

Tertiary Languages: Italian, Czech.

Capitol: Regensburg in the early days. But there were various imperial seat cities, like Vienna, Regensburg, and Prague.

Religion: Roman Catholicism.

Secondary Religions: Lutherianism since 1555, and Calvinism since 1648.

Currency: Solidus > Triens > Denarius > Pfennig


Imperial Banner 1430-1806

Coat of Arms(Francis II 1792-1806)

Ancient era

Medieval era

Modern era



Alemannia takes the place in the very southwest of today's Germany(where Stuttgart is), bordering Switzerland almost perfectly. Historically it bordered Burgundy where Switzerland is today. Located near Lake Constance, Black Forest, Alsace, and Danube basin, with border near Burgundy in the Aare River basin.

Alemannia was ruled by a Germanic king in the 4th and 5th centuries. It was then invaded by the Franks and became a duchy in the 6th century. In early 10th century, the HOly Roman Empire turned it into the Duchy of Swabia.

Alemannic Germans have their own dialect of Upper German("Alemannisch"). Today it is spoken by 10 million people in Southern Germany, and Switzerland, France, Austria, Liechtenstein and Italy. In Switzerland it is simply known as Swiss German. From the 2nd to 8th century it used the runic Elder Futhark script, before transitioning to Latin.

Free State of Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern / bav. Freistoot Bayern / lat. Bavaria)

Bavaria is directly east of Alemannia, it takes the southeast of today's Germany and its biggest city is Munich. It is the biggest state of modern Germany. Modern Bavaria has subregions such as the Bavarias, Franconias, and Swabia. It has the highest mountain of Germany(Zugspitze), and has the city of Nuremberg(Nürnberg), famous for its gingerbread. Augsburg and Regensburg are also here. Pope Benedict XVI was born here.

The Bavarian(Bairisch) language came from Upper German. It is also spoken in most of Austria and a small village in Switzerland.

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The Denarius was the (bronze?) coin inherited from the Roman Empire. The Solidus was gold.


The Holy Roman Empire was far from centralised: It was divided into dozens and eventually hundreds of individual entities, governed by Kings, Dukes, Counts, Bishops, Abbots, and other rulers. Collectively, they were all known as "Princes". The Emperor directly ruled some areas, but could not simply issue decrees and govern autonomously over the Empire. His power was severely restricted by various local leaders.

Rare for Europe, the position of the Emperor was elective. The Emperor is chosen by a small group of prince-electors. Although usually the previous Emperor's dynastic heir is commonly elected to the throne.

Magistrate: A law officer who administers the law in a court. Comes from the ancient Roman "magistratus", a high ranking office who had judicial and executive powers.

(Sovereign) Prince: Ruling Princes are the rulers of a monarchy known as a principality: that are too small to become actual kingdoms, duchies or empires.

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